Safeguarding concerns can be reported to our Designated Safeguarding Lead in our federation, Suzanne MacDonald.  We also have a number of staff on the Senior Leadership Team who are also trained as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads.  These are:  Rachel Lindley, Deputy Federation Headteacher and Head of School at Chapel Haddlesey Primary, Tom Rich, Head of School at Barlow Primary, Craig Bealey, Head of School at Burton Salmon Primary and Sam Maud, Federation Pastoral Support Lead.

If school is not in session, any urgent safeguarding concerns can be phoned through to the following number at North Yorkshire County Council:

0300 131 2 131

This will take the caller to the Multi-Agency Screening Team (MAST) at North Yorkshire Council. More information about the role of MAST can be found on the link below.