Please click on the link below for a new policy, adopted in Autumn 2020, which explains how we can safely deliver remote learning at home.
We also offer a variety of online resources for our families to access at home.
Office 365 Teams will be launched once our subscription to Seesaw Learning expires and will offer learning for children self-isolating at home. We will add the links once they are set up.
Seesaw Learning has been used to connect with our families over lockdown and deliver learning at home -
Tapestry journals are recorded for our children in Nursery and Reception and parents can also add their observations of home learning of their own. We also use this to interact with our families to deliver learning ideas away from school -
Times Tables Rock Stars challenges our pupils to learn their Times Tables in a fun way, offering daily practice, whilst listening to rock tunes -
Purple Mash has a huge variety of resources available for every primary subject. Have a browse and access the learning for all year groups -
White Rose Maths has lots of maths learning, per year group to support our children. Here is the link to access the challenges -
Bug Club combines printed books with interactive eBooks and a unique learning platform which is proven to make 30 months of progress in reading in just 18 months -