Young Voices 2024

Due to popular demand, we have made a booking for our KS2 children (years 3 to 6) from across the federation to take part in the Young Voices concert at Sheffield Arena on Wednesday 21st February 2024.  All the children in Years 3 to 6 are busy learning the songs and actions in their weekly singing lessons.

The children will travel on a coach, leaving at around lunchtime; they spend the afternoon rehearsing for the performance and have a packed lunch for tea in the venue. All children must travel to and from the venue on the coach. Parents can attend the concert which starts at 7.00pm and finishes around 9.15pm and tickets are around £20 per person.  There is also an option to purchase a t-shirt for your child to wear, which includes a small torch and wrist band – these are priced at around £12.

Here is the website, should you wish to find out more information:

Please be aware that your Year 3 to 6 child can still attend the concert with school even if parents are not able to attend the concert as spectators.

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