Recent Newsletters

Here is the last news letter for this academic year. It has articles on our
In this latest edition, you can read about the arrangements for out Art Showcase tomorrow
In today's edition you can see the recent photos of our Sports Day events, uniform
Today's newsletter has info on tomorrow's Sports Day, tomato-growing in Class 1, our World Bee
In today's newsletter you can see what our children have been getting up to in
Here's the latest newsletter with a report on Class 2's artist visit, the chicks in
Today's edition has items on: micro:bit computing, tri-golf, local music sessions, the NSPCC's new Speak
Lots to read in today's edition of the Burton Salmon newsletter, including photos of recent
Today's edition is full of information for upcoming events this half-term, including: Parents' Evening appointments
Here's the latest newsletter with invitations to Classes 1 and 2's Open Afternoons, Internet Safety