Harvest Festival/Non-Uniform Day 2023

At the end of last half-term, on Friday 27th October, we held a non-uniform day which coincided with our annual Harvest Festival celebrations in school, led by Mr Bringloe.

Children come to school wearing their own clothes and instead of a monetary donation to a charity, we asked for families to donate an item of good, clean second-hand (or new) clothing, which we could pass on to The Clothing Bank. The Clothing Bank charity accepts children’s clothing, including new-born items, adult clothing, new underwear, shoes, bags, smart workwear, and outdoor clothing. 

We were absolutely amazed at your generosity, and collected over twelve bags worth of clothes, which Miss Maud delivered to the charity on Wednesday, last week. Thank you.

Equally, thank you again, as we received a lovely collection of food items for our Harvest festival, which was collected by Nigel from The Selby and District Foodbank last week. After we invited families to donate an item from the following list of donations which are urgently needed:

●Tinned meat●Tinned fish●Tinned fruit●Jam●1 litre UHT milk●

Nigel was very grateful for our haul and said that the items would be quickly sorted and shared with families in need.


The children enjoyed gathering together for a lovely whole school assembly. Class 2 children had written their own acrostic poems and read them out beautifully.

Class 3 had carried out research in groups about harvests in different countries around the world. We discovered that coffee is a huge product in Hawaii; vanilla mainly comes from Madagascar; olives from Greece; sushi and rice from Japan and grapes from South America.