
This week, the children in Class 2 have been learning 'Five Big Questions About Money' with the LifeSavers money management scheme for primary schools.

They are:

  1. Where does our money come from? Pocket money, wages from jobs
  2. How can we look after our money? Savings in moneyboxes, bank saving accounts
  3. What can we use our money for? Holidays, treats, household items, learning about needs and wants
  4. How does money make us feel? It's good to save up for things you want
  5. How does our money help other people? Food banks, the elderly, homeless people, disaster charities

‘The importance about money is that if we don’t learn about it, we wouldn’t be able to understand how to use it when we’re older’, discovered Noah. Whilst India said, ‘Every day this week we had a question about money. This week is called LifeSaver Week and we did fun activities to help us understand the importance of money’.