Last year, our school was invited to enter the CPRE (Council for the Preservation of Rural England also known as the Countryside Charity) North Yorkshire's School Writing Competition 2021-2022.

The premise for the competition was that children would have had the opportunity to gain ideas for their entries by spending time in our beautiful North Yorkshire countryside and coastline over the summer break. In the autumn term, both Classes 2 and 3 spent time deciding “What I love about North Yorkshire in Summer” which was the title of the competition.

Class 2 chose to write acrostic poems and Class 3 formed paragraphs of no more than 500 words setting out what they love about the North Yorkshire countryside during summer and why it is special to them. 

Prizes - There will be an individual prize for the winning student from each category (KS1 and KS2) and a prize of £400 for the winning school.

A representative from the school and the winning students will be invited to receive their prize from the North Yorkshire CPRE Trustees at the AGM this year, where there will be a presentation and a photo opportunity.

Fran from CPRE emailed last week with the following message:

I know everyone is eagerly waiting for us to announce the winners.   We are waiting for the final judge to get back to us and should announce winners mid February.

I just want to say a massive thank you to all the pupils (and teachers) who have entered.  I have read every single amazing story and looked at every single work of art, as I loaded them up to the website.  It is lovely to see North Yorkshire through the eyes of a child!

As soon as I have an update, I will be in touch.


So, fingers crossed for our children. You can view the entries which have been uploaded to the CPRE North Yorkshire website by clicking the link below:
