Jewish visitor

Jewish Visitor 

In reflection of our distinctive Christian vision to represent ‘one family branching out together,’ the three schools in our Federation are working together to broaden the horizons of our pupils and introduce them to people of different faiths and cultures. We have already welcomed a Humanist visitor and this week our federated schools welcomed Ms Sharon Tagger, a Jewish visitor from York.  

The children in Classes 2 and 3 loved having Ms Tagger in school on Tuesday. They had great fun looking at all of the artefacts that she brought with her and they asked some very interesting questions, including whether Jewish people give presents during Hanukkah.  The children discovered that during Hanukkah, games are played and chocolates are given. The children learnt about Jewish traditions, including Hanukkah and the Hanukkah story and the focus of our current RE lessons, which is Passover.   

During her visit Ms Tagger talked about Hanukkah and how she celebrates by saying a prayer and lighting a candle (Hanukkiah).  She also discussed the diverse ways of how other people celebrate around the world.  The children were also given traditional clothing to try on and shown how to make a traditional dreidel toy, which is a type of spinning top and how to play with it.