Sports Day

Sports Day ‘On Wednesday 5th June, we did our Sports Day and did seven races. The Year 6’s ran up and down for equipment. The teachers and parents also raced. We did an obstacle course, beanbag on head race and loads of other races, but the best bit was when Mr Bealey said which House Team had won and it was Wharfe!’ reported Romeo. 

Thank you to those families that came to watch our recent school Sports Day; we were so lucky with the weather! These photos and more, highlighting the day’s events, will be added to the school website soon.

White Rose Federation Sports Day 2024

The following morning, Barlow hosted us all for the annual federation Sports Day. Again, the weather was kind and the children in Years 3 to 6 thoroughly enjoyed taking part. This year, Burton Salmon was crowned the overall winner and you can see Buddy and Ayva representing school, and proudly receiving the trophy from Mrs MacDonald.

Ayva and Dougie said: ‘We did a federation Sports Day, and we did 4 races overall. The races were, sprint, skipping, beanbag on head and an obstacle race to finish off. We won! Barlow came in second place and Chapel came in third.’