CL2 YSP trip

On Wednesday 6th March, Class 2 went on a big adventure to Yorkshire Sculpture Park as part of their DT learning.

We started our day by looking at a vast range of sculptures such as bonfires made of metal, a mosaic octopus and a bird house themed village/ flats.

Throughout our trip, we sketched, explored the movement in the sculpture and looking through a range of lenses. When we arrived at the animal heads in the theme of Chinese New Year, we even got to sculpt their heads, using clay and take them home. 

Finally, it was time for lunch before we become designers! To end our workshop day, we were tasked with using a range of pipes, wood, metal and splurges to create our own sculptures in the theme of moving animals. From Octopuses being upside down from a cannon attack, to a tiger called Jax dancing in puddles, our children were wonderfully creative and had their own opportunity to display their designs. As staff, we were very impressed with their behaviour on the trip and they were a credit to our school!

Eliza said, "There was so many sculptures everywhere but my favourite was the Octopus sculpture because he was floating."

Isabelle G said, "I had a great time on our school trip! I loved using clay to sculpt the animal heads that we saw."