
Meet the new BBC micro:bit | micro:bit BBC Micro:bit Computers

Earlier this year we took delivery of some free BBC Micro:bit computer starter kits.

Micro:bit Educational Foundation | micro:bit (microbit.org)

These are small CPU’s which are programmable via a website and can be used in a multitude of ways. They are extremely interactive and accessible for learning the practice of coding. They are user-friendly for beginners and get increasingly more challenging for children as they get older. Last week, the children in Class 3 had an introduction to coding with these devices and really enjoyed the experience, and they are working with them again this week.

'In computing, we have been introduced to our microbits. A microbit is a tiny computer which we can code. We have put them together and plugged in batteries. We've pressed a button and it recorded our voices and the reset button made different lights come on. I am looking forward to seeing what else they can do.' Jessica.